Saturday, August 22, 2009

The PJ factory, part IV

I haven't sewn anything much other than more little girl PJs since we came back from vacation. My sister needed more pairs so that a late load of laundry didn't throw bedtime in more chaos than it is already.... Here's a pair for Ana, pre-hemming.

PJs for ana

And another pair of pants for Ana. Both of these are made with interlock from JoAnn.

Here's a pair of Winnie the Pooh flannel ones for Ana.
winnie the pooh

A pair for Kate... flannel and knit are from JoAnns. She picked out the Ariel print even though she's never seen The Little Mermaid.

And Kate modelling her Ariel PJs

And you know what happens when you sew up stuff for your sister? You come home with another sewing request.... ;-) This is going to be interesting, it takes something like 20 yards of fabric. If you can't read her hand writing, she has "white with pink trim, for Ana's room" written over one of the views. Oh boy.


Faye Lewis said...

WOW! I think you have mastered P.J.'s. Can't wait to see the new project for your sister finished.

Uta said...

The PJs are too cute! You're the fairy aunt every girls needs. You just wield your magic wand, eh, sewing machine, and every wish's fulfilled!

Claudine said...

Cute PJ's! If I were you, I would buy this from Ikea:
and add some trim to it.

Kat said...

Cute PJ's and you are a great sister to do all of this!