There was JUST enough fabric to cut the dress & yoke facing from the fabric. It's so light and soft, so I think it will make a good hot and sticky summer day dress. This is shaping up, so far, to be the summer of voile sundresses!!
And the back
I went into the garment district with a sewing friend last month and picked up two new Burda patterns. These might not get sewn up for a while, but they seemed really nice so I grabbed them anyway.
I haven't done too much sewing recently...we found out a few days ago that my sailor's ship is leaving very soon for a loooong deployment, so we are scrambling to get some wedding things lined up, household things in order, and all the other things that have to happen before an emergency deployment. Hopefully he'll be home for Thanksgiving, but we don't really know. We had a wonderful weekend last week in Rhode Island and Mystic Seaport- our whole summer vacation squeezed into a weekend, but it was lots of fun anyway.
I hope everyone is enjoying the Summer (or Winter in NZ & Australia) solstice!
Thanks for thinking of we poor frost-bitten antipodeans. Your child's dress made me yearn for spring. Mind you 9 degrees celcius minimum is pretty mild.
It's gorgeous. That fabric is just so beautiful. I want it!!!! For me!!! Sorry to hear that your sailor man is leaving unexpectedly. I cannot even imagine what that feels like. On the bright side, it means more time for sewing and maybe meeting up with sewing friends. Hint hint.
Hm. This may sound a bit immature, but I want to steal that dress. Never mind it's not my size. Now!!
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