I haven't shown any vintage wedding dress patterns here in a while, so here is my latest purchase, Simplicity 8640. Isn't the bodice shape interesting? I don't know how I feel about actually pulling that off in a white silk, with that inverted point front and center. I worry it would come out uneven, or not pointy, or just wonky looking. Which in a solid light colored dress would be super obvious. However, it's really cute to look at!
Here is how the move is going so far.
We said good morning to the ducks on the Elizabeth river....
And rounded up the last pieces in the apartment (you can see I'm still in love with my new L2 bag. it holds everything!)
And set off on the road. Here is some of DC's legendary traffic- it was rush hour by the time we were driving through here.
That was fun. But we made it through in the end, and it gave me a new perspective on Jersey traffic (bad, but not usually *that* bad).
Yeah! You'll be closer. Safe travels.
I love that dress and truly believe you CAN pull it off. I think you should try a muslin and prove it to yourself!
Time's flying! Safe travels. I like that dress but that point would be angst provoking. Of course you could slap the bow there, but you'd know and it's your WEDDING DRESS!! Congrats!
I love the skirt fullness on the sides and not the front. And I will bet money you can sew that little pointed front beautifully! Go for it!
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